solving the rss feed deluge

as I was saying in my previous post – 67 feeds sis too many to keep track of within individual directories. Pruning off the deadwood removes about 5 feeds though so its not solving the problem 🙁

Cue: Attensa for Outlook – it has a river of news feature which in theory prioritises your posts according to what most interests you – so I presume it learns from how you interact with the feeds over time – seemingly to the post level. Nice idea – but not working on my system as yet (the river of news window stays empty 🙁 ) – hopefully their support forum can help. I am using the beta version.


If I can get an invite Touchstone sounds interesting.. similar thing but also expanded to your email.. its in alpha right now.

Or maybe Newsgator Inbox for Outlook – though im not sure if there is any prioritisation as yet?

Riaz Kanani

Founder of Radiate B2B, which helps companies target advertising at specific companies usually as part of an account based marketing programme.

I have spent almost two decades building startups or expanding fast growth companies in a variety of functions - from tech to operations to marketing, with a little corp dev on the side.

Always up for a discussion on building tech businesses and the latest tech trends. Tweet me.