That is all great, but will it continue? It would be interesting to see if after the election Obama could continue the “open” discussion. looks like it is might continue post election.. we will see. In the meantime another post election release, you can now see Obama’s election night photos on Flickr.
Here are some info on Obama’s camapaign online (I’ll add to these as I find them):
- ~1800 Youtube videos with more than 18m views (see channel here )
- The Obama-Biden Facebook page has over 2m supporters (here)
- ~53,000 photos on Flickr (here)
- Great article on Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook who worked on the new media campaign (here)
On an aside, Yahoo did pretty well during the elections. Obama used Flickr and Yahoo News was the most popular site on election day. I was using their election dashboard both on the day and in the run up. It was nicely done.