
So I was browsing through Jaffa’s blog (www.melvingreen.co.uk) and he was using this MSN spaces system and having tried the various others out there – modblog, blogger, livejournal and never really found any of them that good, I thought I’d start up here and see if it sticks.

If you are interested, Modblog was the best of them all so far – really customisable, no advertising and a good community but it crashed all the time and I just got a bit bored with the whole thing.

So take 734.. lights, camera, action..

Riaz Kanani

Founder of Radiate B2B, which helps companies target advertising at specific companies usually as part of an account based marketing programme.

I have spent almost two decades building startups or expanding fast growth companies in a variety of functions - from tech to operations to marketing, with a little corp dev on the side.

Always up for a discussion on building tech businesses and the latest tech trends. Tweet me.