Riaz Kanani

WordPress and Tumblr

Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress pointed out in an interview recently that WordPress was going to be able to integrate more closely with Tumblr. Now having been getting to grips with Tumblr lately and therefore being much more active there than here in recent months – that grabbed my attention.

My feeling is these are two very different beasts. Tumblr makes it very easy to share/save content as well as providing the longer form writing capability of WordPress. That shared content makes it really easy to post content without needed to spend much time actually thinking (and therefore hopefully providing value!). That lower barrier makes Tumblr an interesting browsing tool but a much less useful place to make you stop and think. It is like comparing Techcrunch with Pandodaily. 🙂

There is a place for both, but I wonder if there is something to be said for keeping these different approaches separate from each other. With that said, Tumblr attempts to solve this by giving you the ability to have a link to your “longer form” writing only. I’ll take a stab at combining over here in WordPress and see how it shapes out.

For those wanting to do the same, whilst it is built in to WordPress.com blogs by default, you will have to install a plugin for self-hosted WordPress blogs. You can get it here.
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