If you are interested in messing around with the digital photos you have taken, then you might be interested in signing up for photojojo. It’s an email created by Amit Gupta and Kara to give you photo tips and cool things you can do with the digital photos you have taken.
Having taken thousands of photos over the last few years alone (and spending most of my time removing the rubbish!) the most I often do with my photos is some minor cleaning in photoshop and then leaving them to sit in some random folder in my computer or uploading them here. I do love photography though and one of the things i want to do soon is go on a photography course, but in the meantime this newsletter might be an interesting sideline.
photojojo has just started (with the first 2 emails being about Julian Opie’s portraiture style and photo cupcakes (!) so who knows what direction the email will take in the future, they are looking for good and bad feedback though so hopefully it will become a fun email to scan through 😉