Riaz Kanani

First look: Twezr, really great social contacts for iPhone

There is a new contact list app available on the iphone – you can check out the video from Scoble above. You have to enter a lot of information to set it up but once done.. prepare to be overloaded 🙂 It also downloads all the pages you liked from Facebook which is rather irritating though you can hide them. Manually :(.

The idea is sound – contact lists could do with an overhaul and Google’s recent efforts are pretty weak, though I continue to use that as the source list for all other services.

What is most intriguing is that in one swoop you have bypassed the facebook feed to see the updates of all your contacts. The newsfeed only shows you the updates of those it thinks you care about. Of course with all that data comes the potential for information overload but as it is filtered by contact, this does not look like it is going to be an issue.

The big downside for me is the amount of permissions it needs – including the ability to post to my wall in Facebook. Why on earth does it need that? Its a contact list. Lastly, at the very end, the process gets clunky as it sends you to its Facebook page where because of the way the page is setup, presents you with the latest trick to build up Facebook likes – you have to “like” the app to see updates.

You also cant seem to sort alphabetically and it doesnt seem to handle duplicates well (though it is easy to combine when you eventually find them – being unable to sort alphabetically makes that almost impossible).

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