downside to barcamp london?

I found an additional 7 RSS feeds to subscribe to as a result of browsing through the list of attendees.. 7 doesnt sound like many but its taken me over the threshold of being able to manage my rss feeds (67 feeds) – each feed is in an individual folder. I used to accept that I didnt read about 25% of my rss feeds until much later on.. but now I am obviously missing content I want to read..

A side note: I found a blog design I really love:

Riaz Kanani

Founder of Radiate B2B, which helps companies target advertising at specific companies usually as part of an account based marketing programme.

I have spent almost two decades building startups or expanding fast growth companies in a variety of functions - from tech to operations to marketing, with a little corp dev on the side.

Always up for a discussion on building tech businesses and the latest tech trends. Tweet me.