Riaz Kanani

disqus 3 to launch next week

Encouraging discussion and community is an important part of the social web and Disqus has played a big part in one the most underrated parts of the social web – comments.

So I am intrigued by the teaser campaign that is going out around the web – expectations are definitely being raised. The video really doesnt say too much.. but it does sound like they are planning on uping the battle against Echo and Intense Debate.

On the administration side, I am definitely looking forward to a better management interface.. and hopefuly an easier way to find other people commenting on similar sites (though that last bit is speculation on my part); whilst for commenters the ability to go back and edit comments is a god send – how often do you notice a typo right after clicking submit?

What I really want is the ability to respond to comments on posts within my RSS reader (similar to the way Feedly does this with Friendfeed) and though it is not something Disqus can resolve, real time delivery of RSS feeds as most of the time conversations have already been had on the post by the time I receive it and everyone has moved on to the next conversation.

In this hype-bubble of real-time; they have managed to squeeze in the phrase on the video.. without really saying what it is. Maybe Daniel Ha will elaborate..

Anyhow here is the video.. and of course as soon as it launches it will be live on this website 🙂

DISQUS V3 from Giannii on Vimeo.

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