As Señor Arrington alluded to, CNN rolled out its 3D hologram-thing during its election coverage last night. Thirty-five HD cameras are filming the reporter, Jessica Yellin, which…

Video: CNN’s 3D hologram looks sorta weird (but that’s OK)

Continue ReadingAs Señor Arrington alluded to, CNN rolled out its 3D hologram-thing during its election coverage last night. Thirty-five HD cameras are filming the reporter, Jessica Yellin, which…

Charlene Li gave a nice presentation this morning at Defrag…good thought provoking reading if you want to know what a smart person thinks about the future of the social graph. Defrag…

Harnessing the Value of the Social Graph

Continue ReadingCharlene Li gave a nice presentation this morning at Defrag…good thought provoking reading if you want to know what a smart person thinks about the future of the social graph. Defrag…